The Twitter spat comes just days after controversial excerpts of the upcoming memoir were released in which Pranab blamed Congress president Sonia Gandhi for the 2014 Lok Sabha debacle. In the ...
India News: The tweet, which was immediately retweeted by thousands of Mukherjee's followers, also got the PM to respond with an emotional tweet: "Pranab Da, I wi
The tweet has, by now, been retweeted more than 4,200 times. ... Twitter handle, currently has 3.27 million followers, and follows only one account, that of his predecessor Pranab Mukherjee. The tweetsfrom the official Twitter handle of Mukherjee have been archived under @POI13. The President of India's Twitter handle now has Kovind's image ...
As the transition begins, former President Pranab Mukherjee's Twitter history of tweets and other activity will be archived under the Twitter handle, @POI13, since he was the 13th President of India. Being the first ever Indian President on Twitter, this is a historic move as this is also the very first transition for the President of India ...
Late President Pranab Mukherjee's soon to be released book 'The Presidential Years' has triggered a public spat between his son and daughter. The book, excerpts of which were released by the publisher recently, is expected to hit the stands in January, 2021. Abhijit Mukherjee, Pranab's son, took to Twitter to raise concerns over the memoir […]
Former President of India, Pranab Mukherjee passed away today (31st August). He died at the age of 84. His son, Abhijit Mujherjee confirmed the same on Twitter. With a Heavy Heart , this is to ...
The latest TweetsfromPRANAB (@pranab_pp): "WTF @amazonIN @amazon It's been 48hrs since I have ordered this as my father's birthday gift still it hasn't dispatched ...
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